Like most people, I never know what to put here. I could tell you where I net out on the Meyers-Briggs scale. Show you a picture of my aura. But instead I’ve decided to answer the Colbert Questionert. Hopefully this brings you peace.

Best sandwich?

It’s a tie. Spicy fried chicken sammy or a bombass italian sammy on crusty bread.

What's one thing you own that you really should throw out?

A bag of cables dating back to the Cable era. Not sure when I’m ever gonna need that Comcast co-axial or that FireWire 400, but here we are.

What is the scariest animal?

Humans. At the risk of sounding cynical, the planet would be better off without us. And yet, I’m an optimist. I think we can figure it out.

Apples or oranges?

Oranges. Citrus is refreshing as hell. I can eat three tangerines in a row. When’s the last time you ate three apples in one sitting? Exactly.

Have you ever asked someone for their autograph?

Nope. Never been into the autograph thing.

What do you think happens when we die?

I tend to align with Indigenous North American and East Indian beliefs, in that our bodies return to the Earth to be reborn as something else. I think our souls live on though. At least, I like think so.

Favorite action movie?

Way too hard to answer, so here’s a few… Enter the Dragon, Terminator 2, The Matrix, John Wick

Favorite smell?

freshly cut grass

Least favorite smell?

fake ass vanilla scented anything. Makes me nauseous.

Exercise: worth it?


Flat or sparkling?

Flat. I can’t stand sparkling water. I guess I’m the one person who doesn’t like LaCroix.

Most used app on your phone?

I’d love to say NYT or something like that, but it’s probably Instagram, and I hate myself.

You get one song to listen to for the rest of your life: what is it?

Fame by Irene Cara. It gets me amped every time. I wanna light up the sky like a flame. Vikram. Remember my name.

What number am I thinking of?


Describe the rest of your life in 5 words?

Fun with family and friends. *i don’t care how corny that sounds. that’s just facts.